Welcome to the Hispanic College Quiz
Preparing Students for A Successful Future! The purpose of the Hispanic College Quiz is to encourage the appreciation of Hispanic/Latino heritage by all people through an entertaining quiz show format.

Presents The
Hispanic College Quiz
Annette Martinez (Vice President of Human Resources)

Joshua Salas
Adams State University - Junior

Cassandra Encarnacion
CUNY Bronx Community College - Senior

Lizbeth Hernandez
Mount Saint Mary'sUniversity - LA - Senior

Ismael Torres
New Mexico State University - Senior

Ely (Ely) Esquivel
Oklahoma Panhandle University - Junior

Lisa Baez
Savannah State University - Junior

Luana Chaires
St. Edwards University - Junior

Gloria Napoles
St. Phillips College - Sophmore

Rosaura Martinez
Texas A & M International University - Senior